Speaker says no one should use Mugabe’s name to influence deliberations in Parliament


 Ruling by the Chair stands as follows :-


Accordingly, the Chair hereby rules that –

The Office of the President is subject to oversight by Parliament in terms of the procedures aforementioned above.

Reference to the name of the President in debate is allowed, provided that it is done fairly, respectful courteously to the High Office of the President.

A reference to the name of the President of Zimbabwe in order to influence deliberations in the House or decisions is inconsistent with Standing Orders 93 (1) and will not be tolerated in view of the fact that the President is the Head of State and Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces of Zimbabwe.


See also:

Mugabe is the most dangerous person to interests of Western powers

Obama says Mugabe is still a threat to US foreign policy

Did US sanctions buster try to con Mugabe?

God, Mugabe and the West







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