Masvingo wrangle: not just a squabble but a fight for the survival of the Karanga

Makombe must also have seen for himself the little ground he stands when he tried to intervene in the current squabble at Nyika. Sources say the people were not just hostile but they told him off.

Mudenge, who is also a non-constituency MP, is reported to be aiming for George Mudukuti’s seat.

But Mahofa, Hungwe and Mudenge, who have now been dubbed the “right trio” in the province have no chance. They are fighting against ex-combatants who have no regard for them because their contribution to the liberation struggle is questionable.

The media coverage they have been getting since the surfacing of the so-called squabble has even done them more damage as it appears to be confirming that they are, indeed, Mugabe’s people.

Right now, though still largely a one-party province, the pro-Zvobgo group, which is reported to be in the majority, has no regard for anyone considered to be Mugabe’s person.

Zvobgo, on the other hand, has gained a lot of political mileage. People are rallying behind him because he is seen as being victimised by people who have cut the political influence of the Karanga and are plotting their downfall.

But while these ethnic divisions may prop up certain groups, the way demographic politics is being played has the potential of creating political instability. Other groups like the Ndebele who also feel that they are being short-changed could rise.

They have already complained on several occasions that their numbers were played down in last year’s census to deny them fair representation.

There has, of late, also been complaints that Matebeleland is lagging behind in development and this is deliberate.

Even de facto leader of Matebeleland Joshua Nkomo had no answer for this and quickly side-stepped the issue to talk about the land problem which he is more comfortable with.

The figures for Mashonaland have not yet been queried. In fact, there is wide speculation that they were inflated.

These conflicts, if unchecked, could lead to a break-up of the ruling party.

There is a strong belief that just like Frederick Chiluba’s Movement for Multi-Party Democracy which is now crumbling because of defections, it is only a breakaway from ZANU-PF that will pose a formidable challenge to the ruling party.

The present opposition will never.




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