Zimbabwe winning coronavirus battle as active cases drop to 37 249

Zimbabwe winning coronavirus battle as active cases drop to 37 249

Zimbabwe is winning the battle against the coronavirus as it recorded 605 new cases and six deaths yesterday but 2 237 people recovered reducing the number of active cases to 37 249.

A total of 69 726 people were infected this month and 184 have so far died. In July 58 996 were infected and 1 743 died.

Harare continues to see the greatest improvement as active cases are now down to 5 819 after 594 more people recovered yesterday. It had reached more than 13 000 cases.

Cases in Mashonaland East and Mashonaland West also dropped to 7 516 and 5 497, respectively.

Masvingo now has less than a thousand cases and stands at 981 after 236 people recovered yesterday.

Just over 5 500 people were vaccinated yesterday with 3 219 getting the first jab and 2 372 the second.



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