Zimbabwe has no coronavirus deaths for two days running, 145 recover

Zimbabwe has no coronavirus deaths for two days running, 145 recover

Zimbabwe has recorded no coronavirus deaths for the past two days and 145 people recovered today, 136 of them from Matebeleland South where two high schools had been hit by the pandemic.

It had only 14 new cases and the number of active cases dropped to 649.

Matebeleland South now has only 14 active cases while Harare remains with 387, Bulawayo 99 and Matebeleland North, where another high school was hit by the virus, has 82 cases.

Only 6 000 people were vaccinated today with 3 294 getting the first jab to raise the total to 529 360 and 3 116 got the second dose bringing the total of those fully immunised to 161 293.



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