Who is Zimbabwe auditor-general Mildred Chiri?

Mildred Chiri, who has been auditor-general since 2004, had her term extended yesterday. Chiri was fired by former president Robert Mugabe last year but was saved by Parliament which rejected Mugabe’s appointee. Who is Chiri? Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa explains:

THE MINISTER OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING (HON. CHINAMASA): Mr. Speaker Sir, I had taken the pleasure to delegate. I move that;

WHEREAS, Section 310 (1) (Appointment of Auditor General) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe provides that an Auditor General is appointed by the President with the approval of Parliament;

AND WHEREAS, Section 340 (1) (a) (‘Appointments’) of the Constitution provides the President with the power to reappoint a Public Office holder into such office;

NOW THEREFORE, in terms of the aforementioned Section 310 (1) of the Constitution, this House resolves and approves that Mrs. Mildred Chiri be appointed Auditor-General of the Republic of Zimbabwe for a further term in office effective from the 25th of February, 2017.

In terms of Section 310 (1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the Auditor General of the Republic of Zimbabwe must be appointed by the President with the concurrence or approval of Parliament.

It is on this basis that I rise in this august House to move that the Hon. Members of Parliament approve the reappointment of the Auditor General, Mrs Mildred Chiri for a further term in office effective from the 25 th February 2017, which reappointment will be carried out by His Excellency the President in terms of Section 340 (1) (a) of the Constitution.

Mr. Speaker Sir, the Hon. Members of this august House are already familiar with the sterling work Mrs. Chiri has carried out to date and throughout her incumbency, but it is for the sake of completeness that I shall proceed to highlight a few of her qualifications and achievements that support her reappointment into office.

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