SA changes -view from Harare

The larger the urban area in South Africa the greater seems to be the desire among whites for negotiated reforms. With a huge country-wide turnout of white voters (86 percent)…

Too many passengers?

The recent complaint by senior secretary for finance, Elias Mushayakarara, the man who should know where our money is going, that there were too many passengers within the civil service…

Workers show their strength

The good turnout at various points where the Worker's Day celebrations were being held this year should be of great concern to leaders of the ruling ZANU-PF especially when one…

Labour confrontations

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions is set for its first confrontation with the government over amendments to the Labour Relations Act which it claims will weaken the position of…

ZANU-PF – a bad debtor?

The ruling ZANU-PF is proving to be a major headache to its creditors. Despite the fact that it owns several commercial companies that are highly profitable, the ruling party does…

Norman’s mission

Transport Minister Dennis Norman's visit to South Africa last month was not only aimed at arranging transport for Zimbabwe's maize imports but also to persuade the South Africans to loan…

Cotton worries

The recent increase in the producer price of cotton coupled with the fact that the Cotton Marketing Board itself has become one of the first agricultural parastatals to operate at…

Coffee farmers to lose out?

Zimbabwe is likely to lose out on a new coffee agreement arranged by Latin American and African farmers recently to by-pass existing middlemen and make supplies direct to international markets…