Mnangagwa promises change

President-in-waiting Emmerson Mnangagwa this evening promised Zimbabweans change and jobs but said he would give details on Friday when he is officially sworn in as the country’s second President.

Mnangagwa returned to the country today after 16 days in exile and said the way Zimbabweans had conducted themselves to regain their freedom from the previous government had received praise from all over the world.

He said he had already met South African President Jacob Zuma and had received messages of solidarity from several heads of state who were willing to work with Zimbabwe.

Mnangagwa said he skipped the country after learning within two hours of his dismissal that someone wanted to eliminate him. He said this was the second attempt to eliminate him after the food poisoning of 12 August.

An apparently born again Mnangagwa pledged the future of Zimbabwe in the hands of God and the people of Zimbabwe because, he said, they were the voice of God.

Mnangagwa also thanked the military for their discipline as well as party colleagues who did everything according to the law, as well as ordinary Zimbabweans who had protested peacefully and had waited to see him and for him to see them at the ZANU-PF headquarters.

His speech was covered live on the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation as well as by international channels like Al Jazeera.



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