Mnangagwa State of the nation address in full

Mnangagwa State of the nation address in full

Madam President,

Mr Speaker, Sir,

The election period is decisively behind us.  It is time for us, as Members of Parliament and political leaders, to exert our efforts towards delivering on the pledges we made to the electorate.

Our people have reposed their trust and confidence in us, with the firm hope that we can bring a positive difference to their livelihoods.  It is incumbent upon us all to unite our citizens and galvanise them towards the attainment of economic prosperity and Vision 2030.

As this august House settles down to serious work, I wish to implore all members to always act in the national interest and preach the gospel of peace, love, harmony, tolerance and hard honest work.  Let us all, unflinching commit to the rebuilding of our nation, as one people, united by one Flag and one national Anthem.

I exhort you all to undertake the legislative task before you as servant leaders, emboldened by the people’s mandate which you each carry.  History will judge us harshly, should we renege on the sacrosanct duty to uplift the livelihoods of our people.

Madam President,

Mr Speaker, Sir,

I now, therefore, with honour and humility place these matters before you and declare the First Session of the Ninth Parliament of Zimbabwe, officially opened.

God bless you all.

God bless Zimbabwe.

I thank you.



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