HON. CHIKWINYA: On a point of order. The question does not arise because the Hon. Member has been chucked out of the House – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –
THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: I consulted with the Hon. Minister and there are allegations that were raised – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –
HON. CHIKWINYA: Mr. Speaker Sir, once you have dismissed a particular Hon. Member who was on the floor for being unparliamentary, you have annulled the question. You have annulled the motion on the floor and therefore it is non-existent. You cannot give an opportunity for a rally to the Hon. Minister to address because she is not addressing anyone. By virtue of dismissing Hon. Mliswa from the House, you have annulled the debate and therefore we must move on. Whatever allegations were given, you have annulled them and you have ruled them out of order. So they are not necessary.
THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: The Minister has the right to address the House. Order Hon Member. I sent Hon Mliswa out of the House because of his behaviour but he had asked a question – [HON MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –
HON. CHIKWINYA: Are you saying if an Hon. Member has been dismissed out of the House and then they go on virtual, do they remain part of the proceedings? We want guidance from you.
HON. TOGAREPI: Debate is for public consumption.
HON. CHIKWINYA: Are you saying if an Hon Member misbehaves in Parliament and you rule that they must be escorted out of the House, they are allowed back into the debate through Zoom? Is that your ruling? – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –
THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Order please! Hon. Members, order please! I want to make a ruling on this matter. I want to confirm that when I asked Hon. Mliswa to go out, he was making a lot of noise. Even if he did not go out and sat down there, the Minister was not going to respond. So I am saying the Minister or any other Minister has a right to respond to a question that is asked – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – It is not for you to tell me what to do. Order, order Hon. Members.
I would want to read Standing Order Number 96 that allows the Minister to respond when a question is raised accordingly – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – Hon. Members, the Minister has a right to respond, whether it is Question Time or not. Hon. Minister, can you respond? – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – Hon. Members, I will chase you out. Can you leave the Minister – [HON. ZWIZWAI: Inaudible interjection.] – Hon. Member, I will chase you out! Go out of the House please.
Hon. Zwizwai was escorted out of the House by the Sergeant-At-Arms.
THE TEMPORARY SPEAKER: Standing Order Number 96 says, “With the prior approval of the Speaker, a Member may make a personal explanation, although there is no question before the House, but in this case no contentious matter may be brought forward, and no debate must arise.” So, I will ask the Hon. Minister to give that personal explanation. She has a right to do that even when there is no debate. The Hon. Minister can proceed.
Continued next page
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