Mixed reaction as Chamisa hails nullification of Malawi presidential elections results

Mixed reaction as Chamisa hails nullification of Malawi presidential elections results

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa has hailed the nullification of the presidential election results in Malawi saying the era of rigging elections in Africa is over.

A panel of five judges sitting as the country’s Constitutional Court yesterday nullified the May 2019 elections results and ordered a fresh poll in 150 days.

In a series of tweets today, the MDC leader wrote: “I wish to congratulate the people of Malawi on the historic verdict of their judiciary which has shown courage to nullify the rigged election. I commend their institutions, including the judiciary & security services, which have stood firm in defence of the Constitution.

“It’s a reminder that where institutions retain independence & professionalism it is possible to correct wrong politics. For too long our continent has been plagued by the scourge of unfair elections. It gives hope to see court’s checks & controls curtailing capture & abuse.

“Malawians have a fresh opportunity, courtesy of the courage and wisdom demonstrated by their judges & the support of key institutions, to have a free & fair election. Lest we forget, we here in Zimbabwe have an outstanding matter – the legitimacy of the rigged 2018 election.

“SADC & AU are urged to draw key lessons from events in Malawi not to rush to endorse sham elections where people have legitimate concerns over processes. SADC and the AU as institutions of resort deserve a renewal and re-orientation to defend African people’s interests.

“The generation that rigs elections by violence, manipulation of state institutions, corruption, TIPPEX, EXCEL scandals &dictatorial tendencies by men from the past must be put a stop. Justice demands the young generation to lead the way. Let us build a NEW AFRICA!#PeoplesGovernment.”

The MDC is disputing the 2018 presidential election results arguing that Chamisa won but was rigged out by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission.

Chamisa took his case to the Constitutional Court and lost.

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