Mixed reaction as Chamisa hails nullification of Malawi presidential elections results

Mixed reaction as Chamisa hails nullification of Malawi presidential elections results

Mutowa Tamara asked Chamisa not to use double standards by accepting the Malawi verdict but rejecting the Zimbabwe ruling.

“Just as you are urging the people of #Malawi to celebrate and respect their courts and constitutional institutions you should do the same not to only respect rulings when you it suits you, be consistent,” she wrote.

Charles Chirove argued that Malawi politicians who challenged their election results had evidence but Chamisa did not.

“The Malawian applicants brought evidence to court to support their allegations yet you were bringing mathematicians. Real evidence is required in support of an election petition. The hearing of your petition was broadcast live and that is a sign of transparency by the Zim courts,” Chirove argued.

Chamisa posted evidence that his lawyers used in court.

The Constitutional Court said Chamisa should have used primary evidence instead of relying on secondary evidence.

Zasi Jeffrey said the fundamental difference between the Malawi and Zimbabwe elections was that in Malawi the military was behind the people in Zimbabwe it was behind the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front.

“Its important to take note that the security landscape is different. In Malawi the army was protecting the people and on the side of the masses in Zim the army is Zanu’s weapon. Remember Malawians wer protesting yet no deaths in Zim we protested & they shot at 45 degree angle,” Zasi wrote.

Most of Chamisa’s supporters argued that the only language that ZANU-PF understood was confrontation.

“Truly speakin my Leader action is minim and rhetoric is high. We believe in yoĺ leadership but volume ngaiti kwireyi paaction apa people/ we the Democrats we are ready kubvuta chitanda chedu. Some will perish some will survive, but @ the end freedom will be our ours predestined,” wrote Chief Morgy.

Tinashe Seveni was skeptical about the whole issue and accused Chamisa of being a double agent.

“Meanwhile you are leading your party by the nose towards another sham election in 2023 with no reforms. I now suspect you’re a double agent,” he wrote.

Editor: One follower seemed unaware that Chief Justice Malaba has released the full judgment in the Chamisa case. Here it is:

Nelson Chamisa and 24 Ors v Emmerson Mnangagwa

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