Chamisa still hoping to lead Zimbabwe- gives himself 10 more years to retire

Chamisa still hoping to lead Zimbabwe- gives himself 10 more years to retire

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa  is still hoping to build, create and lead a New Zimbabwe before he retires to his rural home in Gutu in the next decade.

Chamisa, who turned 42 years yesterday, received birthday messages from some people who were previously thought to be his sworn enemies.

Former President Robert Mugabe’s nephew Patrick Zhuwao sent Chamisa a video clip wishing him happy birthday.

Former Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front national commissar Saviour Kasukuwere, a kingpin of the G40 faction, asked the Lord to continue to give Chamisa guidance and wisdom.

Deputy Information Minister Energy Mutodi in his birthday message said: “My party ZanuPf wish you many more years to come. we respect and encourage young generation to participate more in politics.”

National Constitutional Assembly leader, Lovemore Madhuku,  asked Chamisa to have a good day and  have time to praise the Lord.

South Africa’s Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema told Chamisa to consolidate the ground for a peaceful and prosperous Zimbabwe.

In his birthday message Chamisa said: “It is my humble desire and cherished pledge to build, create and lead a New Zimbabwe before I ultimately retire from active public life.

“I have this strong vision and drive to make Zimbabwe great. We will make Zimbabwe a powerful, successful and wonderful nation.

“But I have a confession to make… I am a perfectionist. I’m difficult to please. I even hardly please and satisfy myself.

“I keep trying to be better. Excellence is my goal. I carry this infinite craving for knowledge and insatiable curiosity for wisdom. I love learning and books. I cherish knowledge, information and education.

“I love the Bible and the word of God. I love peace and bringing people together. I love gathering rather than scattering. I cherish uniting.

“I often ask myself… what’s next and why? Who next and why? When next and why? When I die, what next?? I care about the ‘hereafter’ and the ‘henceforth’.

“For the next decade, God willing, I hope to be serving my country and the wonderful people of God in Zimbabwe before finally exiting national duty and the public space.”

Chamisa said he had already set up the Nelson Chamisa Foundation and had written four books which are not yet published.

“My rural home in Gutu shall be my retirement home. Where I was born, there I shall retire and there I shall finally rest. We must all be our best then rest. I must retire before I tire and get tired,” he said.

Zimbabwe is holding two elections in the next 10 years, the 2023 elections and the 2028 elections.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa who turns 78 this year has one more term to compete but will not be allowed to contest the 2028 elections unless his party amends the constitution.

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