Jonathan Moyo showers praise on Mnangagwa spokesman George Charamba-  says Charamba’s article on his open letter to ZANU-PF is the first informed, must read commentary

Jonathan Moyo showers praise on Mnangagwa spokesman George Charamba- says Charamba’s article on his open letter to ZANU-PF is the first informed, must read commentary

I am not being idle; those who know, will know! Of course that did not happen, dashing G-40 hopes, even triggering reckless anger, including hobnobbing with Chamisa and trying to fortify his position, until it sagged beyond help.

Let me end by highlighting a few pertinent environmentals. Prior to the letter, Professor Moyo had done a commemorative tweet, thanking former First Lady, Amai Mugabe, for saving him and his colleagues in November 2017. Not many people noticed it.

Or found reason to link it to what then followed. We hope some day the Professor – every inch a complex political creature – will explain himself and this pregnant sequencing and placement of messages. I have my interpretation; I prefer to keep it to myself, for now!

The apology in open letter form came around the Anniversary of Operation Restore Legacy. Again, about the same time, Tyson Kasukuwere, the two men’s cohort, was busy bantering, uneasily so, if you ask me, with Twitter friends on how “Christmas” arrived on the same day in 2017!

He would repeat the same expression a few days later, at a virtual discussion moderated by Ibbo Joseph, better known as Dr Ibbotson Mandaza. One would have hoped that instead of an apology, the time would have been used to refresh bitterness over events of November 2017.

Yet, no, they picked on this pregnant time to self-pity or openly conciliate! That gave their apology a profound resonance, possibly explaining why some think the two comrades are slowly wending their way back to Zanu PF.

There was also another environmental. The Saturday before the missive, President Mnangagwa had met with Zimbabwe’s corps of emissaries to various missions in countries with which the Second Republic has diplomatic relations. In that corps were new appointments, among them General Ambrose Mutinhiri, a veteran commander of our war of liberation. After 2017, he was shuttled to lead a new Party which many saw as late President Mugabe’s construct.

This was the New Patriotic Front, or something like that. It had a very short life span, at the very least with General Mutinhiri at its helm. He renounced membership, and came back to Zanu PF. The two writers must have known about this latest appointment of the General.

Is the letter representative of all remnant G-40 members? I doubt or maybe, depending on what motive you ascribe its writing. Politics involves lets of dissembling, which is why there always is a discrepancy between appearance and reality, words and meaning.

Before anyone asked him, Walter Mzembi made a scornful tweet: something like a tired and collapsed ox never wakes up to pull the plough, however hard you beat or twist its tail. It was a true trope from a villager, upon whom the lustre of urbanity is but a faint gloss.

Formally asked by The Herald, he cryptically replayed the same rustic imagery: every cow moos for itself! Of course he did not remember there are ways to make a cow moo, including breaking it from the rest of the herd. Or penning its calf!

Mzembi is too deeply sucked into Chamisa’s Triple C to recant or step back. My sense is he will throw his lot with Chamisa, genuinely, to then sink with him, irretrievably. And Tyson waBantu? Two possibilities, both of which will brew failure for him in 2023. He may be behind Prof Moyo and Zhuwao’s dissembling moves, if these two are not genuine, in which case he will sink with them.

Or he may break ranks with the duo, to go it alone with his self-arsonist friend, Slybeth Msengezi and renegades from erstwhile Zanu PF Youth League, who hurriedly created a poor clone of Malema’s EFF, calling it Third Way. They will sink.

Very interesting times in the world of humans; donkeys don’t run for elections, only for females to increase their kind! We can’t be beaten by humans who now number 8 billion. So, as Shakespeare’s Lear will say, let copulation thrive



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