Jonathan Moyo asks Chamisa to answer 3 critical Cs

Jonathan Moyo asks Chamisa to answer 3 critical Cs

Exiled former Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front G40 member Jonathan Moyo says the recently formed Citizens Coalition for Change led by Nelson Chamisa will at some point have to answer three critical questions.

Moyo, who has been a strong opponent of current ZANU-PF leader Emmerson Mnangagwa and has admitted to helping Chamisa in the 2018 elections, seems to have an on-and-off relationship with Chamisa’s party but some in ZANU-PF still believe he is promoting their agenda.

Moyo tweeted yesterday: “At some point @CCCZimbabwe will need to unveil its TRIPLE Cs:

  • CHARACTER: what are its key values that bind diverse citizens & inform its ideology?
  • CONTENT: what are its big ideas that inform its policies & programs?
  • COMPETENCE: what are its main skills that make a difference?

Chamisa has been upbeat about his new outfit over the past few days telling the Voice of America that he is a transformer and will rest once he has accomplished his dream and mission.

“..what we want is to make sure that we regalvanize, revitalize all the Zimbabweans making sure that under our citizen philosophy and citizen project, we bring the citizens back to the center so that the citizen and not the politician is the most powerful,” he said.

“I will rest and rest happily having accomplished my dream and mission as a revolutionary, as a transformer when the politician is the least powerful animal in our politics and when the citizen is the most powerful agent in the transaction of our politics in this country. That is our objective. We want to usher in a new great Zimbabwe.”

He told the opposition in Tanzania at the weekend that his party would form the next government in Zimbabwe in 2023.

“CCC is the next government in Zimbabwe. It is the viable alternative and will bring change to our beautiful country which has been destroyed by mismanagement, corruption and disrespect for human rights by the current regimes.  Music from guns is not Bongo Fleva or Taarab, a gun is not a guitar, we must silence the gun,” NewZimbabwe quoted him as saying.

Chamisa told a Nigerian magazine that his party would not only emancipate Zimbabwe but the whole of Africa.

“The future is what we are charting now, Citizens Coalition for Change, which has engulfed cities and villages, yellow everywhere. People are excited, people are electric, the mood is great, it’s yellow everywhere. The nation has turned yellow. The yellow revolution is unstoppable, people are committed, people want change, they want to see victory, people are hopeful. The yellow revolution will not only lead to the emancipation of Zimbabwe, but the whole of Africa. People will realise their own sovereignty and sanctity……..

“It is going to make a difference. Like I said earlier, it is rooted in the citizens. It is about the citizens. If you look at politics in Africa, citizens have been robbed of their dignity, they have been robbed of their authority and even responsibility. The politicians have become too powerful, while the citizens have become too weak. That is our fight……

“We want to make sure that one day, you will have a situation where the citizen is very powerful and the politician is very weak and subject to the control, dictates and command of the citizens. That is our dream and our ideal. But more importantly, our fight is about transformation. We think we will do a better job with the kind of mobilisation by citizens who understand what the issues are. It is a coalition of citizens because we are having citizens coming together to fight for change. “



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