Former Delta boss urges US must lift sanctions on Zimbabwe to propel the country forward

Former Delta boss urges US must lift sanctions on Zimbabwe to propel the country forward


Zimbabwe is at cross roads. The Government of President Mnangagwa looks determined to make some tough economic and political reforms. To us in the private sector the President comes across as being sincere in his quest for taking Zimbabwe forward. He appears to have sufficient conviction and resolve to rebuild Zimbabwe and turn it into a successful and proud nation occupying its rightful place among the community of nations. His government recognizes that for Zimbabwe to be welcomed among the community of nations it must acknowledge and settle its debts. It must also put its house in order through better governance and economic management. The government of President Mnangagwa appears to be committed to both.

The President is aware of the huge expectations that the people have. He recognizes that along the way there will be unavoidable pain for the people of Zimbabwe – over and above the traumas they have endured over the past two decades.

As Zimbabwe’s private sector we are fully supportive of the reform programs embarked upon by our Government. We want to see more action and less rhetoric and better co-ordination and sequencing. We will give our Government support in the form of advice and constructive criticism as well as through playing our part in raising production and exports, conserving foreign currency through import substitution and improving competitiveness through cost efficiencies and value addition.

It is the view of most in the private sector in Zimbabwe that the United States government can find in Zimbabwe a worthy and strategic partner. The road to that possibility starts here in the Senate Foreign Relations Sub-Committee on Africa and Global Health Policy.

It is my strong and unambiguous submission, Mr Chairman, that the private sector in Zimbabwe urges the United States of America to urgently repeal Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act ( ZIDERA) of 2001 ( As amended in 2018) .

Zimbabwe is going to be a pivotal nation in the Southern Africa sub-region –a country in whom the United States may find a worthy and strong partner.

I Thank You, Mr. Chairman, for the opportunity to address this Senate Sub-Committee at this particular juncture in the history of my country.



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