Zimbabwe to raise $432 million for command livestock programme

Zimbabwe’s government says it will seek to raise $432 million from the private sector to finance a specialized agriculture farmer support programme.

Agriculture Minister Perence Shiri told journalists today that the programme targets to increase livestock, fisheries and wildlife production.

Last year, Zimbabwe launched a similar scheme to raise $192 million targetted at maize farmers.

“The command livestock programme clearly recognises that as in crop agriculture, the production process is a private endeavour, requiring the producers and other value chain players to be highly committed to sustainable supply chains, guaranteeing returns to producer investments,” said Shiri.

Under the plan, the government seeks to increase cow slaughter numbers from the current 350 000 to 450 000, milk output from 65 million litres to 120 million by 2019.

Pigs slaughter numbers are also targeted to increase from 170 000 to 250 000, goat slaughter stock from 400 000 to two million and table eggs from 50 million dozen to 70 million dozen over the same period. – The Source



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