MDC-T says Mnangagwa’s SONA hopelessly lacked detail

The Movement for Democratic Change has criticised President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s State of the Nation Address for lacking details on how he will deal with the current cash crisis and said his fight against corruption seems to be targeted only at the G40 faction of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front.

Party spokesman Obert Gutu said that the SONA was disappointingly bereft of any details regarding how the Mnangagwa administration will deal with the prevailing crippling liquidity crunch.

“Long queues are still the order of the day outside all commercial banks and the majority of the people are finding it extremely difficult to access their money from banks,” he said.

“If anything, the liquidity crunch is actually worse than it was during the Robert Mugabe regime. Prices of basic goods and commodities are skyrocketing and the government appears to be completely at sixes and sevens regarding how to contain this problem.

“Mere promises and threats are not good enough to restore sanity within the business sector. Concrete measures and steps have to be immediately put in place in order to protect the vulnerable groups of society from the ravages of skyrocketing prices.”

The MDC-T said that while it was pleased with the new administration’s pledge to combat corruption, it was very worrisome and disturbing to note that only members of a particular faction of the ruling party were being targeted for arrest and prosecution.

“It is a public secret that there are several high level crooks and criminals who are still occupying lofty positions in the Mnangagwa administration but these individuals remain scot – free,” the party said.

“Thus, there is a perception that the anti – corruption crusade is being executed on factional lines….It is only when the anti – corruption fight is impartial and holistic will the generality of the people of Zimbabwe start to believe that the new government’s much touted zero tolerance towards corruption is genuine and not just meant to settle political scores.”

The MDC-T also criticised Mnangagwa for not opening up the airwaves.

“The MDC is thoroughly unimpressed with the half – hearted commitment that the Mnangagwa administration has so far shown towards opening up the State – owned print and electronic media.

“The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) radio stations and the sole television station remain virtually closed to all other political parties except the ruling ZANU- PF party.

“ Surely, it doesn’t take much effort in simply instructing the powers that be at the ZBC to ensure that they give access to other political parties and not just to the ruling party. As it is, the ZBC is continuing with its usual biased and one – sided coverage in favour of the ruling party.”

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