HON. T. MLISWA: Mr. Speaker Sir, it is important to understand that the Prosecutor-General has not appointed the Hon. Minister to be the spokesperson – this was on State media. He has not retracted that statement; so may the Hon. Minister then go and talk to the Prosecutor-General to make a statement to the effect that he was misquoted so that we believe it because he is independent and in being independent, it then does not give the credence that the Hon. Minister is talking about of being independent when then the Hon. Minister seems to be questioning him on certain things. He takes no directive from anybody according to the Constitution.
So can there be a statement so that this can then bring closure to this issue from the Prosecutor-General because it was the State owned media that supports the State – it was not the independent media or Star FM. So can we get a statement so that it brings closure to this?
THE HON. SPEAKER: Hon. Minister, would you want to advise that?
HON. ZIYAMBI: Thank you Mr. Speaker Sir. The Hon. Member with all due respect, if he believes that I am not the spokesperson, then he was not supposed to ask me that question.
Secondly, without referring to the murmurs from the – [HON. BITI: Murmurs! Ukati mamas then you are referring to something else that is completely different.] – Yes from the murmurs but yes, I like the first one – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – I like the first one. Secondly, Mr. Speaker Sir, I believe that being the Minister that administers the Act and being responsible for justice, independent commissions and the Prosecutor-General’s office being one – they do not have audience in Parliament and the Minister tables reports here on their behalf. So I believe that the Hon. Member was not even correct to say that I am not the spokesperson.
I stand by what I said and I believe that there is need for a written statement that I should bring to this august House. I thank you.