Zimbabwe legislator says Mbeki told the British they would be wiped out in 24 hours if they invaded Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe legislator says Mbeki told the British they would be wiped out in 24 hours if they invaded Zimbabwe

Having said all this, where are my fellow Members who must be seated opposite to me on this debate?  Are all these people who are saying these sanctions must be removed not on ZANU PF, but even on their necks?  Are these people men? Where are they in this debate when everyone who matters is saying the sanctions must be removed? They cannot even utter a single word that sanctions must be removed on all of us including them too, but when the price of bread soars, they are the first to complain.  When our currency is attached, they are the first to complain and they would want to hoodwink the people of Zimbabwe to think that it is incapacity of our Government yet they know exactly where the elephant in the room is.  They will tell you that sanctions on the people of Zimbabwe are not effective in causing the challenges that we are having.  The question that I want to pose to the opposite bench as I sit down is that if these sanctions were never meant to achieve anything of all that I have alluded to, why do you want those sanctions to be still kept in place if they were meant to achieve nothing? 

Madam Speaker, in short as I sit down, sanctions, as Hon. Nyoni has said, are part of what is called high-breed warfare to belittle other States. I would suggest that before a delegation is sent to the United States of America to debate and discuss with them about sanctions, we have the leader of Government Business here to provide us guidance.  The Ambassador of the United States Government must be here first to answer the basic question of whether he knows the land between Zambezi and Limpopo better than we do.   We have never been in the United States of America to comment about their elections.  Elections in Zimbabwe take place according to the laws of the jurisdiction of Zimbabwe and not theirs.  We were not there at Capitol Hill when they were at each other’s throats.  We did our swearing-in ceremony very peacefully and in love at the National Sports Stadium.  So, we do our things according to our systems.  However, notwithstanding that they still try to find and scavenge for a reason to suggest they are still keeping sanctions on us, we must summon them here and have a discussion even a breakfast meeting in this building.  I so submit Madam Speaker.




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