Zimbabwe duped by “UK investor”-workers say

Zimbabwe duped by “UK investor”-workers say

  1. Laws On Transfer of Employees to New Owners

Workers are alive to the Labour Laws on transfer of an enterprise from one organization to the other with the important features being that, salaries and allowances can only be maintained or improved and that the new company takes on board all employees but has a right to retrench excess requirement but follow retrenchment regulations. Since Boystead Beef came, all allowances like overtime, acting, fuel were scrapped off without any explanation. Management by fear has been implemented.

If Nicholas Havercroft cannot handle a simple transition can he be trusted to run a multimillion beef export business? Can he manage to maximally control the assets of CSC to sweat them to their potential for the good of the nation?

Your Excellency, we therefore request Your Office in the land to relook into the Boustead Beef deal with a view to:

  • Safeguard the vast national assets now in the hands of a known crook trading as Boustead Beef through ordering a proper documented and audited handover takeover. Crooks thrive where chaos reigns.
  • Make background checks and penalize Boustead Beef for any fraudulent misrepresentation during negotiations for the Concession.
  • Ensure CSC is taken over by an investor who will increase value to the company assets and create more jobs nationally rather than the reverse which is happening
  • Ensure the investor respects racial harmony and avoid the daily racial connotations,
  • Stress to Nicholas Havercroft that the LJP is in USDs otherwise at year end he will pay RTGS$100 000 instead of USD as agreed.
  • Stop abusing the state media –Chronicle to publish old news which have been overtaken by events to mislead all stakeholders
  • Stop name dropping and respect the President’s Office and the Lands Minister and the police by not using them as hound dogs. The frequent complaints to the ministry that employees are not cooperating, should stop and be replaced by Boustead delivering the investment it promised.
  • Since this is a JV who on the part of CSC (or Government) should aggrieved former CSC workers or creditors appeal to? Are they at the mercy of Boustead Beef? We need clarity on this issue especially as former employees (and creditor ask too) since we do not have day to day access to the offices and its expensive to travel.
  • Allow employees freedom of association per labour laws.
  • Stop the parceling out of farms in variance to the LJFCP which promotes an increase in the national herd.
  • Boustead Beef not to turn CSC into a real estate business but stick to the terms of the Concession.
  • Finally Mr President if possible set up a small commission of enquiry into this deal comprising lawyers and finance/investment experts to bust this conman. If indeed our assessment is correct that Boustead Beef is a scam, then CSC was transferred cheaply and to the wrong person without a proper regard to the massive value and income generation capacity of CSC.
  • Allow bodies such as the Parliamentary Committee on Land and Agriculture and ZACC to probe the CSC-Boustead deal.

Hatizvidi! Ngazviende! Zviende!

We thank you.

Long live Zimbabwe. God Bless Zimbabwe.

Very concerned and desperate stakeholders 4 November 2019


See: Can Havercroft really revive Zimbabwe’s largest meat processor?



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