The people of Zimbabwe now need to regain their self-confidence and believe that they do not need to be dependent on ZANU-PF.
We need to believe that we can, indeed, move on.
We need to believe that we are special and that we deserve only the best – we do not have to always settle for crumbs…for second best.
No matter how much we have suffered, and are suffering, let us refuse to be conditioned to believe that if our abusers – who caused the suffering, in the first place – come back to us and offer us a loaf of bread, then we just jump and go back to them.
That is one way the abused are always kept captive by their abusers – if I do not go back to him, the kids and I will starve to death…at least he is offering food, school fees, or even some luxuries!
Whatever ZANU-PF can promise, and no matter what packaging they may decide to come to us in, they will always be ZANU-PF and the people of Zimbabwe can do better than keep choosing known criminals, abusers and looters.
ZANU-PF can come with their “command this and that”, or their “Zimbabwe is open for business” mantra, but the fact still remains that Zimbabweans who have truly suffered at these people’s hands need to break free, and believe that their tormentors are not also their saviours.
There are better options out there, and we need to choose better partners.
It is time we broke free from this abusive relationship and let all those who have suffered the indignity of sleeping in bank queues, spending the night without food, failing to pay for their children’s school fees, failing to buy their wives or husbands those nice things, living in a small little room with their whole family, begging their employers for unpaid salaries that they are owed, had their water supplies disconnected just because they can not find a job – let us all stand together and reclaim our dignity.
We do not deserve this humiliating and inhuman life, we deserve better!
We are all children of the Almighty Jehovah God, and He hates it when His children suffer, but let us not perish due to our own ignorance and foolish decisions.
We have a choice; we can choose to finally put an end to all this suffering.
30 July 2018 is around the corner, and we have another chance to finally decide between continued suffering and a truly NEW LIFE – it is our choice!
ByTendai Ruben Mbofana for Pambazuka
*See opposing view – coming