Why would a Normal person vote for ZANU-PF?

Why would a Normal person vote for ZANU-PF?

This is exactly what I am witnessing again in Zimbabwe, as people who are obviously suffering at the hands of ZANU-PF always go back to it, time and time again – and even view those trying to help them see what is happening, as enemies.

That is why, those who receive the brunt of ZANU-PF’s abuse – the marginalised, and the suffering – are the ones whom ZANU-PF has targeted to manipulate and brainwash into believing that all those trying to assist them see the light are enemies that should be beaten up or even killed.

ZANU-PF has managed to convince those that have had to endure its abuse regularly for nearly four decades that it has changed, and that by merely removing former leader Robert Gabriel Mugabe – yet, replacing him with the same people who have been at the centre of the abuse since day one – is somehow a “new dispensation”.

Even its presidential candidate Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa’s campaign slogan includes the term “change”.

What I have leant from my work with domestic abuse victims is that, any abuser who loves to use the term “I have changed”, would have seldom changed.

He will go back to his old ways sooner or later.

The same goes for ZANU-PF!

There is no way this rogue abusive party can ever genuinely change.

Besides, it is now too late for any normal person to continue giving these people another chance – as, we have done so for the past 38 years…are those not enough chances?

Would we not be fools to continue giving “chances” to such people after all this time of not changing?

Even the courts of law would cease “giving another chance” to a habitual criminal who is always committing offences, despite being given numerous chances.

Mnangagwa himself, as the country’s president, would even agree with me that, as he has constitutional powers to pardon convicted prisoners, he would never continue awarding this clemency to someone who is a repeat offender… especially for 38 years in a row.

So why would Mnangagwa think that Zimbabweans who have suffered so gravely at the hands of a ZANU-PF that he had been at the centre of for decades, should give them another chance?

Even if – for argument’s sake – ZANU-PF under Mnangagwa has genuinely changed, logic and common sense would dictate that its too late, and it is time that Zimbabweans moved on and chose someone else.

We would be fools to trust this party again; after all they have done for all these years.

An intelligent person would rather give someone else a try, even if they also prove not to be any better – but, at least it would not be as foolish as continually going back to a chronic abuser, believing that this time the change is real…for 38 years!

Continued next page



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