What the West thought of Mugabe

What the West thought of Mugabe

521-Meeting flops because no one knows who does what

522-Mugabe denied he had anything against Bennett

523-Biti described Mugabe as bosom buddy, lambasted Mnangagwa

524-To us the word ‘Election’ means death

525-Mogae said Mnangagwa or Mujuru cannot lead Zimbabwe

526-Britain’s Miliband called for support for MDC-controlled ministries

527-Masiyiwa baffled by Tsvangirai and Biti’s view of Mugabe

528-Botswana urged US to strengthen the hands of change in Zimbabwe

529-Why African leaders support Mugabe

530-US ambassador raised Save Valley issue with Mugabe

531-US ambassador said Grace seems to have aged

532-Mutambara said Mugabe gave Tsvangirai crumbs

533-Ambassador said Made is still burying his head in the sand

534-Mujuru working with Tsvangirai behind the scenes

535-Zimbabwe biggest liability on AfDB books

536-Zimbabwe centre of trafficking in persons

537-Amnesty International and its love-hate relationship with Mugabe and Mutasa

538-Only a dead imperialist is a good one- Mugabe

539-Mugabe wants reform but he has no control

540-ZANU-PF moved cabinet meet to prevent Tsvangirai from chairing

Continued next page



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