Nhlonipo Siso Sibanda: So what?Mai Mujuru is an unstopable Tsunami
Oscar Fisani Siziba; $15 Billion yakaendepi imi ana intelligence or else shut up? Moshanda kuona kurara or resources dzenyika?
Njabulo Dereck Nyathi: Musatunyebere mhani. Mashaya nyaya? Why undermine Zimbos' intelligence.?
Stephen Taimi; Kkkkkk
Webster Dumela Lawmaker; Kwakuratidzira ka uku
Tapiwa Mugwambi: saka akasimba kudaro nhai kugona varume vose ava anoda kuvhoterwa mhani.strong horseback
Cde Admire Anesu: zvine basa rei , handiti havana murume here .
Sophie Bindura: Let them campaign for you Amai. You .are UNSTOPPABLE .
Gladwin Mandhla: Ecd staff
Mar Cus: Zimbabweans must be naive & retarded in thinking to buy that sort of crap!
Ashmore Hove: kutoita intelligence dzekutsvaka kuti ndiyan ariku…ra Joice Mjuru? ndoku abuser intellgnce ka uku, thus y nyika iri stuck pa one place coz noone is workg!
John Muwori: Adiwa usamuzvonde
Titus Mupfururirwa: military inteligence dzakafa dzinoitirwa mubedroom memunhu. wasted resources
Thabani Mbengwa: Tell us about the death of her husband first before this nonsense,.
Victor Dhlamini: Like the sex life of the woman is any of our business lol!
Godfrey Gunde; i am not a politician and i dont have any intrest in political issues but this weird analysis cant be coming from political analyst. kuraiwo kani nhy anhu
Busani Baron Moyo: Disgusting
Hardwork Mutiwadirwa: we are tired nenyaya dzekungodegrader vamwe vanhu.tis high time as Zimbabweans we learn not to have interest in lies.don't tell us of behaviour dzevanhu outside politics.tinyareyiwo!!
Cloud Kashesha: rubbbish
Happison Jangano: eeeh vanoidawo zvee ndovadii
Sydney Madziva zvebasa reyi
Continued next page