What Grace Mugabe said in Chinhoyi in full

The First Lady Grace Mugabe yesterday literally cleared national political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere and Higher Education Minister Jonathan Moyo saying they had no cases to answer.

Kasukuwere was under fire from the party which wanted him fired while Moyo is facing fraud allegations.

She attacked President Robert Mugabe’s spokesman George Charamba for not reining in the media which was constantly attacking Kasukuwere and Moyo telling hi that he was junior to ministers.

Here is what she said in full according to the Sunday Mail, one of the papers under attack.

“Ndinoda kuti ndikukudzeyi, VaChipanga, nekuronga kwakadai muchibatsirana neprovince ino.

Haa, tamboenda hedu kumarallies, but this one. . .haa iri pamberi. Ini ndiri munhu anotaura zviri mumoyo make. I’m a very independent person. Dzimwe nguva, vamwe vanoti ndaudzwa or ndatumwa naVaMugabe. Kwete. I speak my mind. Saka, ndaona vanhu wakawanda kudai, handingade kusimuka ndichibata tsvimbo yeruza ndichinyepera vanhu.

Ndoda kutaurira vanhu chokwadi.

Ini, zvandimire pano, also ndichinzi Secretary for Women’s Affairs, I am also serving at the pleasure of the President.

Pamwewo ndiri mudzimai wavo.

Regai ndienderere mberi.

Ndiri kuda kutaura zvishoma-shoma kuti ndisapedze nguva, but pane zvidiki-diki zvandiri kuda kutaura. President makanditsvaga seshamwari yenyu muhupenyu. Kubasa mukatsvaga VaMphoko naVaMnangagwa seshamwari dzenyu.

Saka, isusu tiri vatatu; ini VaMphoko naVaMnangagwa, pabasa ratinoita pamusangano, tiri kuserver at the pleasure yenyu, imi President.

Nguva yega yega, kana tikaita zvinhu zvisina musoro, munogona kutibvisa pabasa anytime yamada. Asi ini chimwe chigaro chandinacho cheudzimai hwenyu chinonetsa kubvisa. Tinenge tavakutoenda kumacourt. Mukandiramba tinenge tavakutoenda kucourt ndakatsika madziro.

Let me tell you something.

It is not the number of years we have walked with this man that matters. What matters is what we do in his absence. Ini, VaMphoko naVaMnangangwa tiri vatatu, zvatinoita musipo ndozviri important. Muri kuzvinzwa zvandiri kutaura? Takapihwa mabasa ekuita. Tapihwa mabasa iwayo, we must just concentrate on mabasa iwayo. Tongoita mabasa edu tichiziva kuti takapihwa mabasa nemukuru togumira ipapo.

Continued next page



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