Tsvangirai says appointment of Chamisa and Mudzuri was above board -Khupe was consulted

“Contrary to this warped and erroneous view, those who know him well are aware that if the man has any weakness at all, it is that he consults too much..  He is a leader who listens to everyone and anyone whatever their station in life.

“The national council runs the party between the Congresses and is equally a custodian of the Constitution. It is the Constitution and it cannot break itself.”


Full statement

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

President Morgan Tsvangirai and his deputies: The facts 


On Thursday, 14 July 2016, two MDC’s organs, the national executive and national council met for nine hours at the party’s headquarters at 44 Nelson Mandela Avenue, Harare.

As usual, the national executive met first for four hours from 10am and made recommendations to the national council, which sat for another five hours starting from 1400 hrs until the evening. There was happiness and ululation after the council meeting as delegates welcomed the resolutions.

The national council is the party’s supreme decision-making body in between congresses and is mandated to make policy decisions. At every Congress, council makes a report to Congress on the decisions that it would have made in the five years between the Congresses.

Last Thursday, the national executive recommended to council that the President increases the number of his Vice Presidents, considering the mammoth task that needs to be done ahead of the election and other exigencies of our political moment as a party. The national council thoroughly debated this matter to the extent that each province was asked to state its position on the issue.

The MDC has 12 provinces and representatives from all provinces put forward their position on this issue. First to state its position was Bulawayo province and Mashonaland Central was the last to make its presentation. 

Of the 12 provinces, nine said the President should be allowed to increase his deputies while three provinces thought otherwise. It is important to note that even the three provinces that were of a different position did not disagree with the principle of the President increasing the number of his deputies. They only had problems with other factors such as the timing and not necessarily the principle itself.

Continued next page



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