The Morgan Tsvangirai Wikileaks cables-Part Thirty-Two

441-Violence escalates but Americans spared

442-Ghana’s Mills said Tsvangirai could not be trusted

443-Tsvangirai galvanised short-lived MDC united front

444-Diplomats questioned Tsvangirai’s ability to deliver

445-Mbeki said Tsvangirai was a western puppet hook, line and sinker

446-Tsvangirai listed “dealbreakers” to participate in run-off

447-Did Lesotho snub Tsvangirai?

448-US warned citizens against using cameras in Zimbabwe

449-Tsvangirai asked for 30 minutes but was given two hours by Lesotho

450-US piled pressure on Mwanawasa to act on Zimbabwe

451-Tsvangirai asked for $2.5 million from Morocco

452-Bennett said Masiyiwa was a control freak

453-Tsvangirai asked Mwanawasa for help

454-Tsvangirai planned to launch Murambatsvina and Gukurahundi funds

455-Makoni attracted wrath of media for saying MDC was violent

456-Murehwa mourned MDC leader in silence

457-Was Grace prophetic about Tsvangirai?

458-Mauritius said allowing Mugabe to run unopposed would be a disaster

459-Tsvangirai’s Restore Hope Campaign

460-ZESN helped prevent Mugabe from stealing 2008 elections

Continued next page



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