The Morgan Tsvangirai Wikileaks cables-Part Thirty-Two

561-What the US planned to do if GPA failed

562-Namibia secretary to cabinet said Mugabe had tremendous ego

563-Tsvangirai said ZANU-PF still treated MDC as junior partner

564-Industry leaders accused Gono of trying to buy favours to silence them

565-Chamisa and Biti did not want GPA

566-Zuma asked how West could expect cooperation from Mugabe when they were so critical of him

567-What is it that the West sees in Zimbabwe that Zimbabweans don’t see?

568-AU leaders were expected to tear Mugabe apart

569-Botswana said GPA was dead

570-Namibia told Tsvangirai GNU was only solution

571-US ambassador said there was bad blood between Biti and Ncube

572-Khama isolated because of his outspokenness!

573-Tsvangirai said no deal was better than bad deal

574-Tsvangirai’s travels could land him in jail

575-South Africa’s IDC was keen to invest in Zimbabwe

576-French official said Tsvangirai was naïve perhaps even delusional

577-Mbeki told MDC Zimbabwe would never share borders with West

578-Parties agree to Amendment 19

579-Chamisa said Tsvangirai’s US advisor was a big problem

580-Tutu said Mugabe should be removed by military force

Continued next page



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