The Morgan Tsvangirai Wikileaks cables-Part Thirty-Two

321-Tsvangirai said Mutambara was just a figurehead

322-Masiyiwa, Takawira and Goko tried to ease Mugabe out

323-Mutambara said he had presidential ambitions

324-Mutambara said Mugabe could be beaten

325-Police crackdown on opposition rallies

326-Police brutally disrupted prayer meeting

327-Tsvangirai refuses to receive treatment unless his supporters are allowed too

328-Tsvangirai and MDC supporters freed

329-Funeral of MDC activist postponed because leaders are in hospital

330-US presses African governments to act on Zimbabwe

331-Mutambara said opposition was united to drive out Mugabe

332-Getting Bob out first step to change in Zimbabwe

333-Ghana said attack on Tsvangirai was a disaster

334-Dell walked out on Mumbengegwi

335-EU banks on SADC to put pressure on Zimbabwe

336-Chikane said Mugabe was a madman

337-US embassy monitors government actions during funeral of MDC activist

338-Mutambara said Mugabe had betrayed the liberation struggle

339-Mutambara told Dell that Tsvangirai would be sole MDC candidate

340-Kasukuwere rumoured to be leader of hit squad

Continued next page



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