61-African diplomats felt MDC was not qualified to take over
62-Paper says US and Britain plan to oust Mugabe
63-The choice is simple: Fist or Palm
65-Why Tsvangirai cannot be trusted to run the country
66-Daily News warns people cannot stand by if ZANU-PF steals the election
67-Mugabe wins, Tsvangirai mourns
68-Mugabe should change his vision for Zimbabwe
69-People will regret voting for Mugabe
70-Mugabe pulls the most fraudulent poll in the 21st century
71-Big divide between privately owned and state media
72-Chronicle talks of another plot to oust Mugabe
73-Daily News says Commonwealth should sent clear message to Mugabe
74-Mugabe must know the world is watching his every move
75-What kind of democracy is this?
76-Journalists urged to fight AIPPA to the bitter end
77-EU bullying tactics going too far
78-Zimbabwe does not need dirty money
79-Nyarota arrested for publishing false news
80-Editor arrested for publishing “false story” on First Lady