Categories: Stories

Mugabe says protests don’t pay

Ndiyo protection yatakaita pamurau iwoyu Statutory Instrument 64. Kana veSouth Africa vakachemawo vachiti, aah, zvino makuitasei. Asi isuwo tine mishonga yatai producer kuno veSouth Africa uko vachiti aah, hatidi iuye by road. Ngaiuye nendege kuti isvikeko yaakudhura. Mazviona?

Saka vekuno vakabva vati ko zvino hukama hwedu huripapi, kana muchida kudzivirirawo zvatinoita? Saka izvi ndezvekutaurirana izvi nehama dzedu dzekuSouth Africa.

While the mining sector is critical to the economic development of Zimbabwe, it remained subdued during the first half of the year. This is mainly due to the declining international prices, inadequate capital and the high cost of power. The situation is expected to improve especially given the growth of gold whose output is expected to improve from 20,2 tonnes produced last year to 25,5 tonnes expected to be produced this year.

Government will also implement mining reforms, which are targeted at plugging leakages of our mineral resources.

Makorokoza edu vanokorokoza hupfumi hwenyika hwakawanda, goridhe. Asi veSouth Africa vanogarira ikoko kuti tengesai, huyai naro mutengese kuno. Zvinenge zvichiitwa nemabhunu aikoko, kwete vatema. Mabhunu aikoko ndiwo ane maarrangements iwaya. Zvimwe zvinoitwa husiku tundege tuchiuya musango, mumafarm umu.

Kututa goridhe rinenge racherwa nevanhu vedu nekuti vanenge vachiti tinopihwa mari yakawanda ikoko, zvino izvozvo kubirana, hatizvidi.

In order to promote both domestic and foreign direct investment, Government is implementing various measures such as the Ease of Doing Business Reforms and establishment of a fully operational One-Stop-Shop Investment Centre.

Government has also actively sought to enhance the involvement of the Zimbabwean Diaspora in the national development process by the establishment of the National Diaspora Policy which has now been approved.

Continued next page


This post was last modified on August 10, 2016 2:51 pm

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Charles Rukuni

The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing.

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