Categories: Stories

Mugabe says protests don’t pay

Fellow Zimbabweans, comrades and friends, in order to consolidate the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters, Government is implementing and has taken various strategies and measures to boost the economic performance and to empower our people.

In spite of the challenges we face due to the liquidity crunch, current economic performance indicates some modest milestones, with growth being driven by key sectors, such as agriculture, mining, tourism, industry and construction.

Hongu, pazuva ranhasi tinenge tichiyeuka magamba edu. Tinenge tichiyeuka zvikurukuru kuzvipira kwavakaita kuti zuva ranhasi rizovapo. Zvichireva kuti rusununguko rwatava narwo rwugovapo. Tinenge tichiyeukawo zvakare kuti mukurwira nyika iyi, kwakanga kusina nyaya yekuti ava vari kwavo ava vari kwavo, kwete! Vakanga vakabatana, vari pamwe chete, nekuti nzira yakanga iri imwe chete, chinangwa chiri chimwe chete. Mhuri inorwirwa iri imwe chete, mhuri yeZimbabwe.

Kubatana uku kuti zvese zvatataura izvi zviri kuitwa nehurumende kuda kukwidziridza hupfumi hwenyika hazvingareve chinhu kana tisina kubatana tichiti ava vari kwavo, ava vari kwavo.

Zvinorevawo kuti kunyangwe tiine mapazi emhuri dzedu muno munyika vamwe vachinzi vangave vaKaranga, vangave vaZezuru, vangave vaManyika, vangave maNdebele, vangave maKorekore, vangave vaNdau, vaVenda, vaTonga, ndihwo hwupfumi hwatinahwo hweculture yedu.

Hazvireve kuti kupasanidzwa pakuva vanhu veZimbabwe, pakuva tose pazvinangwa zvenyika yedu, pakuonana takafanana. Saka tichiti ngatirambei tiri mugwara iroro rakatarwa nevarume nemadzimai vari pano, vakazvipira vachibva kunzvimbo dzakasiyanasiyana.

Continued next page


This post was last modified on August 10, 2016 2:51 pm

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Charles Rukuni

The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing.

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