*HON. ADV. CHAMISA: Thank you Hon. Speaker. I have heard what you said that it is Question time but it seems we have a challenge here. You would notice that we only have three Ministers, two deputies and the Hon. Vice President. However, yesterday, even those who were not feeling well attended because they wanted to vote. It is very important that we take Parliament business seriously because now we want to discuss about the challenges people are facing, yet there are no Ministers.
This session is very important as shown by the presence of the Hon. Vice President but the Ministers are not taking it seriously. Members of Parliament are here but there is no one to direct their questions to, yet this is a day reserved for Ministers.
Mr. Speaker, the Standing Rules and Orders state that Ministers should take Parliament business seriously, if they do not, they are charged with contempt of Parliament. So, it appears like we are toothless dogs. This is very serious business, we are using tax payers’ money to come and sit here but we are not getting answers from our Ministers. Those Ministers who are not present should be charged with contempt of Parliament. If they do not pay the fine, then it will simply prove that as Parliament we do not have powers.
We cannot keep protecting Ministers who are not serious when we were sent by people to work for them. If they cannot work, we have capable Members of Parliament who can run those Ministries like Hon. Chinotimba. We have serious MP’s who want to see our country going forward. I think we should evoke our law if these Ministers come late or they do not come at all, they should be charged with contempt of Parliament because no one is above the law. The law should be followed and every contravention of the law has got a charge. I think we should bring out all our weapons so that we curb the errant Ministers.
I have just submitted this to you so that you look into it. I thank you.
THE HON. SPEAKER: I will ask the officials to take note of those Ministers who are not present without authority but here are the following Ministers who have given official apology:-
Hon. Deputy Minister Madanha, Hon. Deputy Minister T. V. Muzenda, Hon. Deputy Minister B. J. Mlambo, Hon. Deputy Minister Dr. Marapira, Hon. Deputy Minister P. T. Zhanda, Hon. Deputy Minister Mabuwa, Hon. Deputy Minister Mguni and Hon. Minister Prof. Moyo. That is the list that I have.
The others will write down and give us the reasons as to why they are not here.
HON. GONESE: Thank you very much Hon. Speaker
THE HON. SPEAKER: Sorry, Hon. Chinamasa has just gone to give Notice, he is coming back.
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