Mnangagwa State of the nation address in full

Mnangagwa State of the nation address in full

SMEs, women and youth have an important role to play in the modernisation, growth and subsequent industrialisation of our national economy. These groups are equally essential in increased job creation, innovation, environmental sustainability and more inclusive growth.

My government will hasten the improvement on the institutional regulatory framework for this sector, through deliberate and sensitive policies which tap into the entrepreneurial zeal and business dynamism of these important groupings. We will be consolidating their access to finance through the Zimbabwe Women’s Micro- Finance Bank and Empower Bank, among other instruments.

The need for modern education and health infrastructure cannot be over emphasized.   We will seek incremental investments in our social services sector to achieve our desired goals. As our economy grows, we shall ensure that the requisite social safety nets are in place for the more vulnerable members of our society.

The constitutionally enshrined provisions of devolution of government powers and responsibilities will be implemented. I urge us all, however, to use this opportunity to drive economic development and inclusive growth within our respective localities. Provinces must strive to have diverse economic activities and seek to have distinct Provincial GDPs.

Sustainable development cannot be achieved without a good, clean society. As government we will continue to entrench, transparency, accountability and good governance in all public entities and institutions.

As I stated in my inauguration speech; no person or entity will be allowed to steal, loot or pocket that which belongs to the people of Zimbabwe.  No one is above the law. I urge us all, as public officials, to lead by example and be beyond reproach.

Madame President,

Mr Speaker, Sir,

In view of the above; the Legislative Agenda of this Ninth Parliament must therefore seek to give greater impetus to our ambitious and yet achievable economic agenda.  A cross section of Bills will be tabled, debated and enacted.  These include the following;


The Companies and Other Entities Bill, which will overhaul the Companies Act.

The Regional Town and Country Planning Amendment Bill, which seeks to reduce the time and procedures for processing construction permits.

The Zimbabwe Investment and Development Agency Bill, which seeks to consolidate various pieces of legislation on investment which are presently spread under various Acts. The Bill will also provide for the establishment of a one-stop investment centre, the Zimbabwe Investment and Development Agency.

The Citizenship of Zimbabwe Act and the Immigration Act shall be amended.

The Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill will be re-tabled to address some inadequacies therein and will further provide for online registration of mining rights and title.

The Gold Trade Bill and the Precious Stones Trade Bill, which seeks to curb leakages of precious minerals, will also be tabled.

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