Mnangagwa says ZANU PF is unstoppable. It will remain in power until kingdom come

Mnangagwa says ZANU PF is unstoppable. It will remain in power until kingdom come

For the past three years, we have been food secure and the grain that we have is enough for everyone.

So, if there are areas that do not have enough grain, Government will soon distribute free grain to those areas.

From now on, we know that this country will never again be food insecure.

The country has also been affected by climate change, which has affected rainfall patterns.

Thus, to mitigate against climate change, the Government is building dams across the country, province by province.

These dams have irrigation infrastructure systems. These guarantee a source of water for our fields.

We have also compiled the number of hectares that we need for irrigation purposes.

Thus, even if we receive little rainfall, we are guaranteed of food security.

The country also experienced fuel shortages, which the Second Republic has managed to resolve.

We had electricity challenges and we went to our Chinese friends, who gave us US$1,4 billion. We managed to build Hwange units 7 and 8, which are now generating over 600MW.

For the past two to three weeks, there has been no load-shedding.

We are building and refurbishing other units. That is what we mean when we say Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo.

In the past years, we used to call for international tenders whenever we wanted to build our roads; we are now working with local contractors.

For those who have been traveling, you have seen the work that has been done on the roads.

The Beitbridge-Harare or the Harare-Bulawayo roads have been done so well.

We are building roads and dams and recently we started installing solar boreholes in every village across the country.

We have procured about 40 drilling rigs to date.

These boreholes are being installed at each chief’s homestead in every village.

Inside two to three years, every village should have a solar-powered borehole where we create a horticulture garden, and that programme is ongoing.

As a result of that model of agriculture, between 2017 and 2018, our agriculture sector was valued at only US$3,8 billion, now our agriculture is above US$8 billion.

The Lord loved this country so much that he gave Zimbabweans this land that is between Zambezi and Limpopo.

Zimbabwe is blessed with good land and minerals. Yes, there are illegal sanctions, but we have said we will build this country with the resources that we have.

In 2018, when we came in as the Second Republic, our mining sector was only US$3,7 billion.

We are now above US$12 billion and it will continue growing because we are now focusing on what we have. No one is coming to build our country for us.

I always say, Germans built their own country, the Americans built their own country, the Japanese built Japan, the British people built their country.

We have the responsibility of building our country as Zimbabweans.

As you stand here, make it a point that I am a Zimbabwean man; I am a Zimbabwean woman. My responsibility . . . is to be remembered for having contributed to my country’s development. You must be remembered for your good works.

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