Mnangagwa says ZANU PF is unstoppable. It will remain in power until kingdom come

Mnangagwa says ZANU PF is unstoppable. It will remain in power until kingdom come

Our forebears Munhumutapa and Mbuya Nehanda were unhappy that we had been put under the yoke of colonialism. That is why Mbuya Nehanda said her bones would rise to free her people. This is why we must all follow in the footsteps of the revolutionaries that came before us, including the likes of Cde Joshua Nkomo, Reverend Ndabaningi Sithole, Cde Robert Mugabe, Cde Simon Muzenda and Cde Joseph Msika, among many others whom I cannot list here.

Wherever they are today, they are looking back at those whom they left in their stead to see whether we are safeguarding the inheritance of freedom that they left for us.

That burden lies on all your shoulders today. The burden is not on my shoulders alone, but also yours.

If I fail to follow in the party’s teachings, then I am not one of you.

Also, if you fail to follow those same teachings, then you are not part of ZANU PF.

Our freedom came at a huge cost; many young boys and girls died for our freedom.

When we started this war, we had ZANU and ZAPU.

ZANU was led by Reverend (Ndabaningi) Sithole and ZAPU was led by Cde (Joshua) Nkomo. All these other heroes whom I have mentioned followed behind the footsteps of these two men.

Some of us were just young boys who were being given minor tasks to perform by these giant revolutionaries. This is why you must use your vote to safeguard that inheritance.

We have come here and we see that all provinces have representatives here.

We have seen our Secretary-General (Cde Obert Mpofu) calling upon each province, one after the other, and we are happy that everyone is here with us.

But I want to thank Chief Mutema, who has allowed us to gather here in his land, where the sun rises. So, the sun has risen for the party and it is time for us to rise and work.

Since the onset of the Second Republic in November 2017, we want to look back at all that we have achieved together and also at the few areas we have failed.

Firstly, the task we had at hand was not a one-man job. I have come here with the party leadership to call upon you to join us as we commence our work.

At the onset of the Second Republic, as your leaders, we looked back at what our party stands for and where it comes from.

Our party, ZANU PF, is a colossal revolutionary party and everyone is welcome to join.

There is no one who owns ZANU PF.

If you see any of your leaders saying they own ZANU PF, stay away from them because they will lead you astray.

Before coming here, we were undertaking another important task. My Deputy, Cde (Constantino) Chiwenga, who was here recently at St Peter’s Hospital, was given a list by officials of what they required at the institution.

They had a list of things that would help them provide services to the local communities. They wanted hospital equipment.

So, I directed Cde Chiwenga, who is our Minister of Health (and Child Care), to make the necessary arrangements and ensure that all the needs were catered for.

So, all those things they requested were bought and we delivered the equipment today.

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