Mnangagwa explains his nyika inovakwa nevene vayo mantra

Mnangagwa explains his nyika inovakwa nevene vayo mantra

Third and last, our contemporary experience of having to survive and live defiantly under conditions of hostility from entrenched, powerful interests.

This triple heritage conditions our thinking, indeed define our outlook.

It, too, shapes our thinking, philosophy and ideology.

Our liberation and independence; the heritage of national unity and the land we got from the First Republic engender our resolve to rebuild and prosper Zimbabwe from our own efforts and resources.

Our rich heritage, aided by high literacy and skills base we built since Independence, puts us in good stead for a durable, sustained economic take-off.

This we are determined to do before 2030, guided by our successive plans, namely the Transitional Stabilisation Plan, TSP, and its sequel, National Development Strategy 1.

Through both, we are set for sustained growth.

Late Kwame Nkrumah taught us in “Consciencism” that Africa needs a proper sense of its own history, a sound philosophy and ideology which is grounded in its history and heritage; in its concrete material and social milieu, and in scientific grasp of contemporary situation.

That way, Africa can overcome its baneful colonial heritage, and can surge ahead.

He warned: “Practice without thought is blind; thought without practice is empty.”

This is to say our concrete actions in seeking to transform our societies should and must be informed by a scientific philosophical and ideological framework, while our philosophy and ideology must never be an alibi for concrete and transformative action.

Above all, our ideology must be integrative. I am happy that under the Second Republic, we have broken the inertia of talk without action.

We are delivering on all fronts.

Late Nkrumah went further to say, “Every society is placed in nature. And it seeks to influence nature, to impose such transformations upon nature, as will develop the environment of the society for its better fulfilment.”

Conscious of our age-old heritage, our experience as a Liberation Movement now wielding State Power, and informed by the contemporary global situation, we must provide leadership both in thought and deed.

After critically reviewing our total situation, including our current capabilities and possibilities, we have reached an unassailable philosophical and ideological conclusion that, NYIKA YEDU INOVAKWA NEVENE VAYO.

Simply translated, this means the responsibility, mission, duty and burden of developing our Zimbabwe rests with us who own and belong to it.

Continued next page



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