The media has been awash with reports that Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa has quietly succeeded President Robert Mugabe who is currently on leave until the middle of this month. Mnangagwa is acting president. Mugabe’s term expires in 2018. While there is pressure for, and wide anticipation for, change in Zimbabwe, Mnangagwa is a tactful player who is not likely to fall into the same trap that the party sought to destroy at its last congress. Here is a reminder of what he said in the run up to the congress in response to speculation that he was leading one of the factions vying to take over from Mugabe. “Ko varipo vanenge vaindepi? Ndokushupa kwevana vaduku ikoko. Zvinokurukugwa zvine matare. Imi mune shungu, asi dzinongova shungu. Dai wanga uri pano pandasvika pano, ndanogara namai Mujuru ndichifa nekuseka, ndichiseka imi kuti pwere dziya dziri pano. Zvinenge zvakarongwa nevakuru, vashoma vakuru vanoronga kuti nyika yedu yoenda nekupi. Haugari chigaro chekuti nyika inoenda kupi vakuru vasingadi….Zvoto zvinamazera. Haungoti iwe madhara akagara apo, newe wonogaravo. Kana kudenga kune zvoto, zvoto zvengirozi, kwaigoti Mwari naJesu, nemweya mutsvene…Kana panyika pane zvoto zvapo, saka ziva kuti kune zvoto zvavakuru, zvichiderera zvichiderera. Kana mumusangano, vamwe havazivi zvoto zvavo, vanotozozviziva nemitemo yandinenge ndanyora, vozoziva kuti ichi choto, handifaniri kupinda.”