Full statement
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Zanu PF and corruption are like inseperable siamese twins
The MDC is thoroughly unimpressed with the indifference exhibited by President Robert Mugabe when issues of corruption in his government are exposed. Everyone is getting concerned with the level of inertia that Mugabe continues to show; particularly when cases of corruption by top government officials are exposed.
The past 36 years under Zanu PF rule shall go down in the history of Zimbabwe as a bunch of wasted decades as a few well-connected individuals became fabulously rich by draining the economy whilst the majority of the people were pauperised and reduced to vendors and beggars in their own country of birth.
Since the Sandura Commission that exposed the Willovale motor vehicles scandal in the 1980s, no other effective remedial action to expose and combat corruption within the public and private sectors has ever been instituted by the Zanu PF regime. Over the past decades, corruption has become part and parcel of the Zanu PF regime's DNA. Zanu PF and corruption have become like inseparable Siamese twins.
The so-called indigenisation policy actually took the ''art'' of corruption to the next level. Senior government officials that passionately and incessantly drove the indigenisation mantra actually became so hopelessly corrupt. They flagrantly abused the power and authority that was entrusted upon them by openly soliciting for bribes and demanding huge kickbacks from company owners and other affected business executives. They became so wealthy that one of them built a 50 bedroom mansion that he hoped to convert into a hotel in case things went the other way. No one spoke a word as it was business as usual within the Zanu PF regime.
In 2014, elephants were poisoned by cyanide. No one from the top government offices ever bothered to check how cyanide was imported. Obviously it was a heavy duty ring. Elephants died in their hundreds. Money changed hands. A few villagers were sacrificed to serve lengthy terms in prison as the real culprits( government ministers) reaped huge profits and walked away scot free.
When one Ignatious Chombo became the Minister of Local Government, he acquired several immovable properties nationwide through blatant and corrupt of office. Little wonder, therefore, that Chombo is now one of the wealthiest Cabinet Ministers in the Zanu PF regime. No one uttered a word. And to date, Chombo is still a free man!
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