Isn’t it ironic that Chamisa was asked to lead MDC the very day Mnangagwa visited Tsvangirai?

Isn’t it ironic that Chamisa was asked to lead MDC the very day Mnangagwa visited Tsvangirai?

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa yesterday told people at the memorial of founding president Morgan Tsvangirai that he was told to lead the party and unite the people on 5 January last year.

“On January 5 (2018), before he went to seek medication, he called me. Luke (Tamborinyoka) was there. Mai Tsvangirai was there….. He said to me: Chamisa, I am going, so I am leaving you in charge. I want you to bring Welshman Ncube and Tendai Biti back into the party’,” Chamisa said.

“I said I have heard you, but the job you want to give me will cause problems if you leave me in charge. I said to him, please, appoint Mudzuri to act while you are away, then I will do the work that you have asked me until you come back, but Tsvangirai asked me why I was refusing and I said if Khupe hears this, she will faint.”

What Chamisa did not say is that that very day, 5 January, is the day President Emmerson Mnangagwa visited Tsvangirai at his home and Chamisa was one of those who welcomed Mnangagwa.

Was it therefore just a coincidence, if Chamisa is telling the truth, that that was the very same day that he was asked to lead the party?



  1. rattles

    Why ddnt you write a speech for him yourself so that it would address that that was the day Mnangagwa visited. Your story lacks coherence

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