Mnangagwa says Zimbabwe is forging ahead despite the sanctions

Mnangagwa says Zimbabwe is forging ahead despite the sanctions

President Emmerson Mnangagwa today said Zimbabwe is not going to allow sanctions to stall its development and urged Zimbabweans to work hard and develop their own country because no one else would.

Addressing a “thank you” rally at Rutenga in Mwenezi in Masvingo province, Mnangagwa said after 20 years under sanctions it was now time to forget about the sanctions and work with those who were willing to cooperate with Zimbabwe and ignore those that were against his administration.

He said that the sanctions had been devastating but they were not about so-called human rights violations. Zimbabwe was being punished because of its natural resources which those who had imposed sanctions were after.

Zimbabwe is currently under United States and European Union sanctions though EU sanctions are now on only two people former President Robert Mugabe and his wife, and the Zimbabwe Defence Industries.

EU sanctions are due to be reviewed next week because of alleged human rights violations during last month’s anti-government protests as well as the killing of six people by the military on 1 August last year.

Mnangagwa said it was unfortunate that some Zimbabweans were working with those who had imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe and wished to destroy the country, but if Zimbabweans were united, like those in Masvingo, they would overcome any hurdles.

He warned those bent on violence that they will face the full wrath of the law.

He said his administration was compiling a list of people, including doctors and lawyers, who were inciting people to turn violent promising to treat them or defend them in court.

Mnangagwa also said the days of the Movement for Democratic Change were numbered as it was slowly losing support, bit by bit, and would be in for a shock in 2023.

The MDC currently controls all the urban centres and won only one Parliamentary seat out of 26 in Masvingo- Masvingo urban.

Mnangagwa said this will be reversed in 2023 because the people will have realised by then that the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front is the party to work with as it is a party of peace and progress.




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