Full contribution
HON. CROSS: This afternoon, Mr. Speaker, I wish to address the House from the perspective of being a Zimbabwean and I can recall when I was growing up in the Matopo Hills in Matabeleland because I was born near Mbalabala. I recall visiting villages and speaking to the elderly people, particularly the men – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] – I spoke to elders who wore the ring on their heads. I think you know what I am talking about. These were the Indunas, the tribal leaders.
I can well remember these…..
THE HON. SPEAKER: Hon. Chamisa once said the Hon. Vice President is here. He represents the presidency and we should respect that. He has appealed to this august House that he would like to follow clearly and please less noise. You do not seem to be respecting that. Thank you.
HON. CROSS: Mr. Speaker, I can remember these elders in the Isindebele villages talking about the time when they used to raid the Shona villages in the north and they talked in derogatory terms about the Shona people. I can remember them referring to the Shona people in extremely derogatory terms. This means that for them the war that existed in the country before 1893 was as alive today as it was then. I was a young White Rhodesian, who went right through the war of liberation. Mr. Speaker in the war of liberation….
*HON. CHINOTIMBA: On a point of order, this White man is talking about selous scouts in here. He killed our people. How can he talk about peace and reconciliation? Many people died because of this White person – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –
THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order! Hon. Chinotimba, come back. Your Standing Orders here clearly state that you cannot refer to an Hon. Member in the manner you have done. Can you please withdraw the statement?
*HON. CHINOTIMBA: He said it himself that he is a Rhodesian.
THE HON. SPEAKER: Can you withdraw your statement!
*HON. CHINOTIMBA: I withdraw, but he is a White Hon. Member, he is not Black. I am Black. – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –
THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, order! Hon. Cross, please avoid raising emotive issues that are historical. – [HON. MEMBERS: Inaudible interjections.] –
THE HON. VICE PRESIDENT AND MINISTER OF NATIONAL HEALING, PEACE AND RECONCILIATION (HON. MPHOKO): I am sorry, I might be taking it over from you; I am not sure. I think it is important to guide some of our Members. What is happening in this country is that the President cannot operate outside the Constitution; nobody can.
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