MASUKU, Angeline; DOB 14 Oct 1936; Matebeleland South Provincial Governor & Politburo Secretary for Gender and Culture (individual) [ZIMBABWE].
MATANGA, Godwin; DOB 05 Feb 1962; Passport ZL042663 (Zimbabwe); Deputy Police Commissioner (individual) [ZIMBABWE].
MATHEMA, Cain; DOB 28 Jan 1948; Bulawayo Provincial Governor (individual) [ZIMBABWE].
MATIBIRI, Innocent Tonderai; DOB 09 Oct 1968; Deputy Police Commissioner (individual) [ZIMBABWE].
MATIZA, Biggie Joel; DOB 17 Aug 1960; Passport ZA557399 (Zimbabwe); Deputy Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities (individual) [ZIMBABWE].
MATONGA, Bright; DOB circa 1969; Deputy Minister of Information and Publicity (individual) [ZIMBABWE].
MATSHALAGA, Obert; DOB 21 Apr 1951; Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs (individual) [ZIMBABWE].
MBADA (a.k.a. CONDURANGO; a.k.a. CONDURANGO INVESTMENTS PVT LTD; a.k.a. MBADA DIAMOND MINING; a.k.a. MBADA DIAMONDS; a.k.a. MBADA DIAMONDS (PRIVATE) LIMITED), New Office Park, Block C, Sam Levy’s Village, Borrowdale, Harare, Zimbabwe; P.O. Box CY1342, Causeway, Harare, Zimbabwe [ZIMBABWE].
MENEZES, Antonio Famtosonghiu Sampo (a.k.a. HUI, Samo; a.k.a. JINGHUA, Xu; a.k.a. KING, Sam; a.k.a. KYUNG-WHA, Tsui; a.k.a. LEUNG, Ghiu Ka; a.k.a. PA, Sam); DOB 28 Feb 1958; nationality China; citizen Angola; alt. citizen United Kingdom; Passport C234897(0) (United Kingdom) (individual) [ZIMBABWE].
MINERALS MARKETING CORPORATION OF ZIMBABWE (a.k.a. MMCZ), 90 Mutare Road, Harare, Zimbabwe; P.O. Box 2628, Harare, Zimbabwe; Phone No. 263-4-486946; FaxNo. 263-4-487261 [ZIMBABWE].
MMCZ (a.k.a. MINERALS MARKETING ORPORATION OF ZIMBABWE), 90 Mutare Road, Harare, Zimbabwe; P.O. Box 2628, Harare, Zimbabwe; Phone No. 263-4-486946; Fax No. 263-4-487261 [ZIMBABWE].
MNANGAGWA, Emmerson Dambudzo; DOB 15 Sep 1946; Passport AD00060 (Zimbabwe); Minister of Rural Housing and Social Amenities (individual) [ZIMBABWE].
MOHADI, Kembo Campbell Dugishi; DOB 15 Nov 1949; Minister of Home Affairs (individual) [ZIMBABWE].
MOYO, Jonathan Nathaniel; DOB 12 Jan 1957; Passport AD000432 (Zimbabwe); Member of Parliament for Tsholotsho & Former Minister of Information and Publicity (individual) [ZIMBABWE].
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