Editor fired

Herald editor Caesar Zvayi was today sent on forced leave following the publication of a story about former central bank governor Gideon Gono hiring former Finance Minister and Movement for Democratic Change secretary-general Tendai Biti as his lawyer. Information Minister Jonathan Moyo blasted the Herald for what he alleged was “a shameless smear campaign against Gono using the cover of cheap politics”. “Even worse, The Herald’s undisguised smear campaign against Gono is based on quotations from faceless and nameless sources described as ‘senior Zanu PF officials’ and ‘a Zanu PF politburo member with close ties to the Zimbabwe Defence Forces.’ One does not need to be a rocket scientist to realise not only that the faceless and nameless sources in the unfortunate story are uncreative inventions but also that it is not possible for Kereke, who is clearly the main source of the scurrilous story, to be at one and the same time rolled into ‘senior ZANU-PF officials’ and ‘a ZANU- PF Politburo member with close ties to the Zimbabwe Defence Forces’,” Moyo said.



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