Mnangagwa says foreigners were involved in last month’s protests and he has their names

Mnangagwa says foreigners were involved in last month’s protests and he has their names

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has told France 24 television that some foreigners were involved in organising and funding last month’s anti-government protests and he has submitted their names and passport numbers to their respective embassies.

He, however, adamantly refused to disclose from which countries they came from but said the protests were part of a pre-planned, well-organised regime change plan.

On reports that Britain will not support Zimbabwe’s plan to rejoin the Commonwealth which it left 16 years ago, Mnangagwa said Britain was just a member.

“When we apply to join the Commonwealth we do not apply to Britain we apply to the Commonwealth Secretariat. Britain is just a member. The Commonwealth has not told us that they are not considering our application. The view of one member is not the view of the Commonwealth,” he said.

On the European Union and the United States imposing stiffer sanctions on Zimbabwe, Mnangagwa said the country was already under the sanctions so that more sanctions could be imposed.

On women being raped during the protests, Mnangagwa said this was all stage- managed.

“With regards to the allegations of rape we have both through print media, radio and TV appealed to those victims to come forward, report to the nearest police station. If you are not comfortable to report to the nearest police station you go to the nearest church and report the abuse you underwent,” he said.

“We have only one single case that has come up in Chitungwiza. The rest, we now know that the women who were paraded was just make up by some organisations and some of the women have now left the country, have been shipped to the United Kingdom.

“The few who are still in the country are being moved from house to house and we are trying to track them down. It’s all stage managed. We are challenging anybody, local or foreign to produce the women so the world can see them and say this is what happened.”




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