Delimitation report due for debate today

Delimitation report due for debate today

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission’s preliminary delimitation report which sets new boundaries for the 210 National Assembly constituencies is due for debate today and tomorrow and should be handed over to the President on Thursday if it is to be used in this year’s elections.

The report was handed over to President Emmerson Mnangagwa on 26 December and was analysed by an Ad Hoc committee set up by Parliament to look into the report.

The Ad Hoc committee presented its report to Parliament last Friday and said it had a lot of flaws that need to be addressed.

Eyes will be focussed on what Members of Parliament, in both houses- the National Assembly and the Senate- will say today.

Elections are due in July or August and the final delimitation report must be approved six months before the election date.

The old boundaries will be used in the next elections if new boundaries are not approved on time.

While some people argue that the latest delimitation favours the ruling ZANU-PF, there have basically been two changes in terms of the number of constituencies.

Harare, an opposition stronghold, has gained one seat while Matebeleland South, a ZANU-PF stronghold, has lost one.

It is not yet clear which party would benefit more if new boundaries are drawn up using the new voter figures which analysts say should be used.

Bulawayo, however, would probably lose some seats as none of its 12 constituencies meets the minimum number of voters using the new calculation.



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