Chan insists Chamisa should just admit he has appointed a shadow cabinet

Chan insists Chamisa should just admit he has appointed a shadow cabinet

British academic Stephen Chamisa says Citizens Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa should just admit that he has appointed a shadow cabinet because he has named the right people that the West would want to work with.

Chan, whom former Higher Education Minister Jonathan Moyo accused of being a British agent, said: “He (Chamisa) needs to take the plunge and just say it. This is a shadow cabinet in all but name. And the members are the names with which foreign governments would wish to liaise in the event of a CCC victory. The outside world wants some certainty about such things.”

Chamisa appointed 15 legislators to what his party later said were parliamentary spokespeople on ministerial portfolios.

The appointments were:

  • Tendai Biti (Finance and Economic Development)
  • Charlton Hwende (Defence and War veterans
  • Willias Madzimure (Industry and Commerce)
  • Susan Matsunga (Women’s affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprises Development)
  • Judith Tobaiwa (Health and Child Care)
  • Fani Munengami (Primary and Secondary Education, Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development)
  • Happymore Chidziva (Youth, Sport, Arts – and Recreation)
  • Wellington Chikombo (Local Government and Public Works)
  • Eric Murai (Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water, Climate and Rural Resettlement)
  • Johnson Matambo (Environment, Climate Change, Tourism and Hospitality Industry)
  • Settlement Chikwinya (Transport and Infrastructure Development)
  • Kucaca Phulu (Justice Legal and Parliamentary Affairs)
  • Murisi Zwizwai (Mines and Mining Development)
  • Prince Sibanda (Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services)
  • Dickson Tarusenga (Energy and Power Development)

Chamisa himself has not publicly commented on the fiasco that followed reports that this was a shadow cabinet.



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