Chamisa in a fix

The ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front has developed a technique of deserting the House when they want to kill motions critical of the government tabled by the MDC-T.

There has to be at least 70 of out 270 members in the House to constitute a quorum but the MDC-T no longer has that many members in the House since it expelled those who had crossed the floor to join Tendai Biti and refused to contest by-elections to fill those vacancies.

MDC-T had 70 members in the lower House after the 2013 elections, 49 elected in their constituencies and 21 women legislators.


HON. CHAMISA: Mr. Speaker Sir, just to appreciate other Members of Parliament.   My motion today has to do with a motion on a matter of urgent public importance, which motion, you are aware I moved last week.  I am also reliably informed that fellow Members of Parliament are now ready to debate this motion so that we utilise the resources of the taxpayer.  It is on that account Mr. Speaker Sir, that I wish to move the following motion.  The motion has already been tabled before – just to restate for purposes of procedure and making sure that we are in line with dictates of the rules and orders.  The motion reads….

THE HON. SPEAKER:  There is no need to repeat it.

HON. CHAMISA:  Thank you Mr. Speaker.  I really appreciate.  So the motion is accordingly placed on the Table for the House to debate on adjournment.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Order, order.  The motion contemplated by Hon. Chamisa is in terms of Order Number 59.  This motion has suffered still-birth twice and the Hon. Member, I do not know how he consulted.  However, I want to take him on his word that there are still people who would like to debate that motion – I will give it a last chance.  If it fails again, it shall not be entertained in future because we do not want to do that which we know may not succeed.  I have advised Hon. Chamisa to try other aspects or strategies that may achieve the same.

In terms of Standing Order Number 59, how many are still for that motion?

All MDC-T Members rose in their places.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  The number of Hon. Members supporting the motion being more than 25, the motion will stand in terms of Standing Order Number 59, although I was expecting a large number of people as was indicated by Hon. Chamisa.



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