Chamisa casts his vote says “we are in”

Chamisa casts his vote says “we are in”

Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa, one of the 23 candidates vying to become the President of Zimbabwe by this weekend has cast his vote and said “victory is certain, the people have spoken”.

Chamisa also posted on his twitter handle: “I have just voted and we are in!!Minus the ballot mischief…Victory is certainly certain !”

His main rival Emmerson Mnangagwa of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front cast his vote in Kwekwe while former President is expected to vote in Highfield.

One of Chamisa’s staunchest supporters at the moment, Jonathan Moyo tweeted: “ZanuPF Comrades, If Mnangagwa can torment President Mugabe & cause him to vote for Chamisa; imagine how much tormenting you will suffer tomorrow, if you don’t join President Mugabe & vote for Chamisa today? Don’t wait for Mnangagwa to torment you tomorrow; vote for Chamisa today!”

But as Chamisa tweeted yesterday: “The campaign is ended. The sacrifice and electricity is phenomenal. With nothing we did everything, our best. God does the rest.”




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