Mnangagwa spokesman’s twitter account suspended after he warns African observer missions EU observer mission is out to make them look foolish

Mnangagwa spokesman’s twitter account suspended after he warns African observer missions EU observer mission is out to make them look foolish

Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s spokesman George Charamba’s twitter account under the name tinoedzazvimwe1 has been suspended after he posted a tweet this morning warning African missions observing Zimbabwe’s 2023 elections that western observer missions are out to make them look “foolish, unthinking, un-African”.

Charamba posted the tweet way before the observer missions held their briefings at which they said the Zimbabwe elections held on Wednesday “fell short” of standards.

The tweet said former Zambian vice-president Nevers Mumba of the Southern African Development Community mission was trying to persuade the African Union mission to team up with the European Union mission to come up with a joint report likely discrediting the elections.

The full tweet read:

“CAREFUL AFRICAN OBSERVER MISSIONS, FOREIGNERS ARE ABOUT TO MAKE YOU LOOK FOOLISH, UNTHINKING, UN-AFRICAN: As I tweet, there is a desperate push by the EU OBSERVER MISSION to get SADC, AU and ACP OBSERVER MISSIONS to coordinate and produce one harmonised and harmonising REPORT. 

“So far ACP and AU OBSERVER MISSIONS ARE REFUSING AND HOLDING OUT. We thank them, and encourage them to remain faithful to their independent findings through African, Progressive eye of the Global South. 

“In the case of ACP, led by an Angolan national, preliminary comments have already been issued, distinctly solid, independent and progressive. Again, Zimbabwe thanks the ACP MISSION, its leadership especially. 

“The AU MISSION, led by former Nigerian Head of State, Goodluck Jonathan, has come under EU OBSERVER MISSION pressure to conform. So far, the AU MISSION has rebuffed such untoward pressure, mediated through one NEVERS MUMBA, self-discredited Chairman of SADC MISSION. 

“MUMBA, in typical colonial schoolboy fashion, has gone as far as reporting the AU MISSION to his EU bosses on the AU’s laudable non-cooperative stance. 

“Not everyone in the SADC MISSION falls in with this shameful conduct reminiscent of colonial kowtowing. It rankles.

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